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Dog License

The By-Law Department provides animal care and control services including the issuance of dog licenses (for dogs aged 16 weeks and over) and ensures that pet owners are made aware of what controls are in place when violations occur. Licensing registers your dog and provides a means by which it can be identified and returned to you if it gets lost. Licensing also addresses public health and safety concerns associated with stray animals. 

How many animals are permitted? 

A maximum of 3 dogs, or 3 cats, or a combination of 4 of these animals (with the exception for farming operations, kennels or pet shops) is allowed per household within the Township of Champlain.

How much is a dog tag?

  • First tag/new resident - $25
  • Annual renewal (before February 28) - $25
  • Late annual renewal (after February 28) - $40

Owner Information

Dog Information

Is your dog a female or a male?
Is it for a tag renewal or for a new dog?
Do you want to register a second dog?

Payment Methods

  1. Online payment: through your financial institution, use your tax roll number (do not combine any other payment with your dog license(s) payment).
  2. Cheque Drop-Off: You mat drop-off a cheque at our office using the drop-off depository at the entrance of the Town Hall (948 Pleasant Corner Rd East, Vankleek Hill).
  3. Mail Cheque: Send cheque by mail to the municipal office at: 
    948 Pleasant Corner Rd East, Vankleek Hill, ON, K0B 1R0

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